Kuroko no Basuke - Midorima Shintaro

This quote was added by dreginerose
In the world of sports, quickness doesn't necessarily mean having the fastest time. It could also mean the acceleration from zero to maximum speed or the deceleration from maximum speed to zero. This is known as agility.

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cjennylie 137.97 97.8%
suikacider 134.87 97.3%
zhengfeilong 134.43 96.5%
ltfigs 133.80 97.8%
zaoxa 132.05 98.2%
alliekarakosta 130.07 96.9%
figs 127.91 95.7%
brandonhsiao 127.25 99.5%
dearthed 126.70 98.7%
darkmatter_3624 126.07 96.9%

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