Not An Assassin - Unknown

This quote was added by strawberryscars
I'm not an assassin, I'm a murderer. An assassin kills for someone, I kill for myself. An assassin is paid, I loot my kill. An assassin kills in the shadows, I make sure the world knows.

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credulous 95.32 96.9%
user851491 94.53 93%
gordonlew 93.72 94.9%
strikeemblem 91.56 97.9%
claricestarling 89.02 99.5%
user50054 88.12 94.4%
lisa035 85.76 97.9%
user72273 85.56 96.9%
samcantype 82.12 97.4%
donoshea 81.64 96.9%

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Name WPM Accuracy
donoshea 81.64 96.9%
jessc.90 53.37 92.1%
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thecrazydane2 56.00 86.1%
user107982 67.93 95.9%
antennae 61.87 98.9%
strikeemblem 91.56 97.9%
sweenburg007 76.95 93.5%