Practice is they key to achieving your WPM goal. - anthonyhtyper

This quote was added by anthonyhtyper
Practice is key in typing. Work on your speed every day. Slowly, your WPM score will improve. It is possible for you to get a 100+ WPM score if you practice every day. So don't get discouraged if you get a low WPM score. Learn from the game, improve your typing and accuracy, and you will achieve your WPM goal.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
klgrass84 103.31 98.4%
tytytytype 102.53 96.0%
user933969 95.40 97.5%
noack 94.11 97.1%
ben.tomo.132 90.09 94.5%
coryhoch1 89.61 98.1%
soup_king 89.53 97.8%
user50054 86.36 93.4%
mariachi 86.05 97.2%
vimcredible 83.94 100%

Recently for

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raiven.kao 61.70 94.5%
whiskkeys 72.75 94.8%
user995141 26.91 91.3%
user716019 27.35 89.9%