Learn from the D - anthonyhtyper

This quote was added by anthonyhtyper
So you think you can't do it because you got a D, turn that frown upside down and smile with glee. Learn from the mistake and take a retest. And soon you'll get an A, you're the best.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 163.65 99.5%
rofel 134.02 98.9%
brainfreezy 131.33 99.5%
rhoerner 125.89 100%
lotb777 124.70 99.5%
dustitramontano 117.59 100%
user59099 113.32 96.8%
user869430 113.11 97.3%
2001or2 112.51 85.9%
nonniesmiley 112.14 95.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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cobalt_ocean 43.06 75%
dante-didit 108.33 98.4%
user843630 80.89 96.3%