Touch Typing - Keyhero

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Touch typing is typing without looking at the keyboard. The idea is to teach your fingers the location of each key. The F and J keys have a raised bar or a dot allowing your fingers to identify them. Once you have placed your two indexes on those keys, the other fingers are placed on the keys next to them.

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cnt_ply 3 years, 11 months ago
*allowing your fingers*

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
treemeister 144.39 96.8%
hackertyper492 140.58 98.7%
cspenguino 138.07 97.5%
user263163 135.04 97.8%
typein2021 133.92 96.8%
dustinjay91 133.75 96.2%
am4sian 133.47 97.8%
harrypotter_hermione 132.76 100%
serryjantoso 132.61 98.7%
user523355 131.92 98.1%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
user349339 51.58 97.2%
bartltt 75.96 91.7%
trishadgk 98.28 91.1%
user514706 50.69 84.2%
user108043 99.22 93.1%
lome 82.09 97.2%
user79004 67.55 95.3%
kittyo3312 46.02 91.4%