This weird sentence... - Julien

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"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." You may have spotted this sentence on anything from a typing practice website to even "gifs" on the internet. Why? This sentence is used for typing practice (and sometimes even writing practice) seeing that it employs every letter in the alphabet. It's also just an odd saying.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
skadbob 111.53 99.1%
pcapriotti 99.64 98.5%
mafuso 98.26 95.3%
user50054 98.09 93.9%
sat1014 96.62 95.3%
walkingking 96.58 94.2%
radicalrandy 96.57 97.0%
user741147 95.80 96.2%
jongmanpark418 94.34 99.1%
user996354 87.87 95.6%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
lordbones 52.55 94.5%
erminrich 55.56 97.0%
anemp 46.35 93.6%
user108042 52.97 96.1%
user107655 45.82 91.5%
typefighter 82.22 96.2%
ayanak 42.76 85.3%
snow94 85.99 93.9%