Hardest Sentence To Type - Rofel

This quote was added by rofel
There is no way you can type this unmanageable, problematical, unaccomodating, troublesome, perplexing, formidable, uncooperative, intransigent description of a sentence in under 3 seconds.

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nilsthebest 4 years, 10 months ago
lol smart one
brumpus45 6 years, 3 months ago

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
wolfram 155.47 98.4%
glevion 153.05 98.4%
feuv 132.77 97.9%
jpadtyping 115.43 98.4%
brainfreezy 114.35 97.9%
gordonlew 114.02 99.0%
zeph 109.54 98.4%
heiga 108.01 96.9%
deterdettol 106.49 98.4%
timmoran7 106.11 99.5%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user108640 39.07 89.2%
magesh 58.39 77.6%
user99861 41.05 95.0%
nightowl_1325 43.43 97.9%
npabs 89.15 91.3%
yoko 59.79 85.9%
user238034 60.73 94.0%
user108126 33.17 91.3%