Tap Titans 2 (15) - Rofel

This quote was added by rofel
Repeat attacks for on a Clan Quest will now get an increasing damage bonus! Starting in version 2, there will be a bonus for consecutive attacks on a Titan Lord.

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Name WPM Accuracy
2001or2 116.33 92.5%
npabs 103.46 97.0%
jacqueline1234 99.91 96.4%
strikeemblem 93.39 94.2%
clonedcow 91.83 100%
abababen 88.16 96.4%
keisuke 87.98 95.3%
user830398 78.15 96.4%
orbingers 77.28 97.0%
cheering_keira 73.69 91.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
xchaoticchildx 43.20 92.5%
cheering_keira 73.69 91.0%
djgray 37.83 95.8%
ginayang7719 28.93 98.2%
user100406 65.00 93.1%
megadragon 62.50 91.5%
npabs 91.93 95.3%
mgraham 62.39 92.6%