Rest In Peace - You're done kid

This quote was added by uhhhhh_hi
Everything seems fine so far, nothing could go wrong. What possible trick would ruin the experience for everyone. It's simple really, what are you going to do when letters appear that do not exist on the keyboard? Unless you are prepared you have no hope. One thing you can look forward to is the end.

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Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 117.37 95.3%
npabs 106.38 97.4%
user949982 97.09 96.5%
mgraham 92.16 96.2%
yousseff 83.11 99.0%
typinglindsey 75.64 86.7%
maadj 74.22 93.2%
aziebelle 72.70 99.3%
user64690 68.23 93.2%
baqtiyaar 63.60 89.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
typinglindsey 75.64 86.7%
yousseff 83.11 99.0%
scrig001 50.21 84.2%
maadj 74.22 93.2%
user949982 97.09 96.5%
baqtiyaar 63.60 89.1%
npabs 106.38 97.4%
scrig001 49.03 83.5%