Anaïs Nin

This quote was added by erzsebetftw
This image of herself as a not ordinary women, an image which was trembling now in his eyes, might suddenly disappear. Nothing more difficult to live up to than men's dreams.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
destiny2 166.19 100%
typin_ 164.28 99.4%
user871724 154.52 96.1%
gordonlew 121.38 95.2%
tjapit 112.35 96.7%
noskipfellow 103.09 98.3%
kensmom825 98.83 97.2%
jjjsabella 97.63 99.4%
jacqueline1234 96.34 92.1%

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user871724 154.52 96.1%
user108469 47.50 90.2%
user781461 69.82 90.7%
user864199 60.78 95.1%
munphen 30.00 88.8%