It Would Be Great - unknown

This quote was added by user357857
It would be great if human beings were great at being human... And if all of mankind were made up of kind women and kind men. It would be wonderful if common knowledge was knowledge commonly known. And the light of being enlightened into every heart was shown. It would be glorious if neighbors were neighborly. And indifference a forgotten word. It would be awesome if we shared everything. And being greedy was absurd. It would be spectacular if the Golden Rule was golden to every man.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user491757 128.47 98.2%
gordonlew 113.48 96.8%
npabs 106.10 96.4%
jgdude 105.62 97.2%
dante-didit 96.92 95.7%
bsmurthwaite 82.90 94.8%
user843630 79.28 93.9%
mgraham 67.99 88.5%
jacquelinesharp 52.34 96.1%
ho5hi_kwons 24.21 82.1%

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ho5hi_kwons 24.21 82.1%
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dante-didit 96.92 95.7%
user843630 79.28 93.9%
gordonlew 113.48 96.8%
bsmurthwaite 82.90 94.8%
jgdude 105.62 97.2%
user491757 128.47 98.2%