Wherever You Are my love will find you - Nancy Tillman

This quote was added by courtneyk
And is someday you're lonely, of someday your sad, or you strike out at baseball, or think you've been bad . . . just lift your face, feel the wind in your hair. That's me, my sweet baby, my love is right there.

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zalyx 100.85 94.6%
jacqueline1234 95.70 97.7%
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tfgspdm 80.35 96.8%
sarynbek 69.73 94.6%
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infas 44.01 95.9%
user529840 21.48 97.2%

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user529840 21.48 97.2%
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infas 44.01 95.9%
brandie22 48.74 87.6%
tfgspdm 80.35 96.8%
jacqueline1234 95.70 97.7%