The Way You Lie - Anoymus

This quote was added by peaceunicorn
The way you said my name, the way you walk now that your with her, I hope you're happy. You left me for her hope you get everything you want with her.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
trishadgk 133.23 98.0%
ethanlayman 122.17 99.3%
bobbywaitforitjenkins 116.22 99.3%
geryjs 111.23 94.9%
kicko 107.95 97.4%
mattim00cow 102.58 98.7%
user273646 101.41 100%
baboom 99.33 99.3%
kirath919 91.86 96.7%

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bp.kuma 73.42 94.9%
trishadgk 133.23 98.0%
cewial 73.57 89.8%
user273646 101.41 100%
_myowui1 47.80 95.0%
thecrazydane2 82.55 90.9%
user104405 86.12 93.8%
baboom 99.33 99.3%