Never Let It Go - John Travolta

This quote was added by shasper
Here to perform the Oscar nominated, gorgeously empowering song, Let It Go, from the Oscar winning animated movie Frozen, please welcome the wickedly talented, the one and only, Adele Dazeem.

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 141.67 97.0%
rfemery22 86.87 99.0%
victorpaduani 78.37 91.4%
user830398 76.27 96.5%
user90997 69.51 87.2%
somerandomppl 66.76 93.2%
mgraham 61.71 89.3%
rumi_25 57.47 95.5%
erasxed 56.60 88.0%
emanh2222 51.69 93.5%

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Name WPM Accuracy
rfemery22 86.87 99.0%
typin_ 141.67 97.0%
erasxed 56.60 88.0%
rumi_25 57.47 95.5%
emanh2222 51.69 93.5%
somerandomppl 66.76 93.2%
user930022 43.57 92.3%
user830398 76.27 96.5%