A Fortune/In Tune - Unknown

This quote was added by spaghettiman43
I would pay a fortune to buy all the gas just to drive around the town with you; we would wake before the sun, throw out our maps, and get gone until our hearts play in tune.

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Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 130.78 100%
scribop 130.70 97.8%
npabs 125.71 100%
gwaldrop 124.22 97.8%
hoyongryou 113.18 97.2%
trishadgk 109.31 95.6%
donoshea 108.50 100%
mindsight2nd 101.75 96.7%
m_murasaki 101.66 97.2%
user949982 92.83 97.8%

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smartboynaresh 75.62 90.2%
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thecrazydane2 80.86 92.1%
trishadgk 109.31 95.6%
user80750 88.56 94.6%
mindsight2nd 101.75 96.7%
pcerda 57.58 95.1%