Sleeping with Other People - Laney

This quote was added by sunfun12
I remember too, you know." "Would any of it sound familiar to Emma?" "Some, yeah." "I don't think she needs to know the things she holds close to her heart were rehearsed on someone else.

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magesh 79.28 94.9%
donoshea 76.70 93.5%
shaikkamarul 74.72 94.9%
rrapattoni 71.30 92.1%
soaps 65.76 94.9%
maadj 52.60 88.2%
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magesh 79.28 94.9%
rrapattoni 71.30 92.1%
huntergordon 52.58 95.9%
maadj 52.60 88.2%
donoshea 76.70 93.5%