One of the hardest sentences to type on QWERTY - Reddit user "Mr_Anal"

This quote was added by translucent
When I went to the suburban part of Piazzas, Italy, I assumed I would find these pizazz pizzas. Alas, all I found was obstinance which made my foramen close up.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 96.90 95.8%
user843630 71.69 95.8%
cewial 70.40 94.1%
ntakacs133 67.83 89.0%
user101715 46.74 97.0%
gifted_clover95 39.13 98.2%
user101536 38.62 92.0%
lunacrab68 28.24 97.0%
user109073 25.68 83.4%
saleheen01924 19.13 96.4%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
user843630 71.69 95.8%
user109073 25.68 83.4%
gifted_clover95 39.13 98.2%
cewial 70.40 94.1%
saleheen01924 19.13 96.4%
strikeemblem 96.90 95.8%
user101715 46.74 97.0%
lunacrab68 28.24 97.0%