The man - Yourdad

This quote was added by user341685
"There once was a man called Jeff." He was too much of a calm man to society. So he set off to a place call, "The Land of Troy." In the land of troy Jeff found out that there are so many things to discover when you go outside and get dangerous sometimes.

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feuv 129.11 98.4%
trishadgk 93.89 89.1%
user78528 81.26 91.4%
owais.khan 67.89 96.9%
simplysam_03 63.94 90.6%
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user468593 59.00 87.6%
user90665 53.29 90.0%
user107564 52.66 97.0%
user107056 48.38 95.1%

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owais.khan 67.89 96.9%
user843630 63.69 95.8%
user90665 53.29 90.0%