Destiny still arrives - Thanos

This quote was added by mayursathe
"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives." - Thanos.

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user66168 143.29 100%
fishless 130.95 98.7%
stormspirit97 127.40 97.5%
phraznikov 116.62 98.7%
strikeemblem 115.11 95.2%
user263163 112.46 91.2%
chris_allan_qwerty 109.96 99.4%
17slim 109.85 96.9%
npabs 106.47 98.7%
tjapit 104.38 98.7%

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npabs 106.47 98.7%
typinglindsey 62.19 90.2%
soupqueen29 101.51 100%
tjapit 104.38 98.7%