Adam Knauss - morning greeting - adam knauss

This quote was added by adam1234
Good morning, good morning, good morning to all! As the sun rises above the treetops, good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon to all! as the sun sets below the buildings, good night, good night, good night to all!

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wotlover987 6 years, 4 months ago
Dude, you need to learn some more spelling
adam1234 6 years, 4 months ago
Have a good day guys!

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hamchow 98.60 99.1%
trishadgk 94.97 89.8%
macies1515 92.38 99.5%
shawnsmith91 83.82 93.2%
mgraham 75.77 94.0%
relsc 75.28 97.3%
user76803 68.84 98.2%
mohd_talib 60.83 96.9%
byronboh 59.70 95.3%
user238119 57.07 88%

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shawnsmith91 83.82 93.2%
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user238119 57.07 88%
macies1515 92.38 99.5%
hamchow 98.60 99.1%
iriial_ 39.92 88%
kittyo3312 47.36 96.9%