Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony - Ryoma Hoshi

This quote was added by thickie
He's not wrong, though. If we want to stay alive, standing around grumbling's not gonna change anything. As things are, we're not going to escape together... we're going to die together. Are you guys okay with that?

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kensmom825 112.67 99.5%
donoshea 93.50 95.6%
matajon 86.94 93.9%
clickclackm00 74.95 93.1%
talisman 74.82 91.1%
judeamr 71.70 96.8%
ayanak 52.63 88.5%
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elux 40.50 90.3%
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matajon 86.94 93.9%
ayanak 52.63 88.5%
clickclackm00 74.95 93.1%
kensmom825 112.67 99.5%
talisman 74.82 91.1%