ESC key... - BigDaddyHitman

This quote was added by yunghitmain
Whenever I can't seem to complete a quote without messing each word up, I find myself pressing the ESC key. But then I end up struggling on the next quote so I just give up. This quote doesn't have any special meaning. I'm just letting whoever is typing this know what's up.

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Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 135.23 97.9%
rayk 118.59 89.0%
dante-didit 110.51 99.3%
kensmom825 108.72 99.3%
kyle_w 107.13 95.8%
arravalle 103.46 96.1%
mbqg1234 103.26 91.6%
serin01 102.50 96.5%
gwaldrop 102.10 95.5%
ccanb 100.95 99.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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user108790 27.71 89.6%
kyle_w 107.13 95.8%
user843630 79.34 94.5%