
This quote was added by avalon1
Never let your past determine your future. Embrace it and move on... Always remember where you came from that way you will know where you're heading. Be the judge of your life and don't let someone else do that for you by the chapter they've walked into.

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Name WPM Accuracy
heiga 129.81 97.7%
dante-didit 127.20 99.2%
user108043 122.26 96.2%
vmlm 119.40 93.7%
zeph 119.24 100%
kicko 117.38 97.7%
jellyvanessa 116.05 98.1%
strikeemblem 114.74 92.5%
kyle_w 113.97 97.7%
cptdoodad 107.69 98.4%

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rkoh 92.45 92.7%
him997 81.24 96.2%
user108043 122.26 96.2%