Peter Pan

This quote was added by neptunika
You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, that's where I'll be waiting.

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user871724 194.24 98.7%
2001or2 129.72 90.6%
user660825 112.64 95.7%
jezpher 103.02 92.8%
kyle_w 101.32 96.3%
kobo 82.26 92.8%
arnett5000 80.40 93.9%
user692240 79.27 94.5%
user105219 77.19 94.5%
misspoken 74.21 99.4%

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jezpher 103.02 92.8%
gotwood248 69.53 97.5%
kait999 61.14 92.8%
user660825 112.64 95.7%
aklatson 47.51 92.8%