Love & Life - Mahatma Gandhi

This quote was added by sukerpunch
Once Gandhi said "Where there is a love there is a life" and every one knows that is true by their wisdom and knowledge, Truth to be told this quote much more worth then any other.

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tjapit 100.88 97.3%
clairebearr 100.35 97.3%
kicko 96.91 92.8%
dante-didit 94.86 98.9%
m_murasaki 93.02 98.9%
strikeemblem 85.92 87.3%
reasonablereason 83.55 98.9%
peachflavoredrings 82.52 94.7%
god 80.95 96.8%
vespr 80.45 92.8%

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strikeemblem 85.92 87.3%
user108861 21.53 95.7%
user99861 58.73 94.7%