Meet the Scout - Valve

This quote was added by kirbachu
I don't even know where to start with you. I mean, do you even know who you're talking to? Do you have any idea, any idea who I am? Basically - kind of a big deal! Ya' listening? OK. Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother - I hurt people.

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littlebubblegum 125.93 97.6%
fingersoffury 119.21 100%
zhengfeilong 110.52 92.2%
pcapriotti 109.06 99.2%
user693695 108.98 96.5%
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lbachner 107.48 95.7%
bruins4777 107.20 97.6%
zeph 106.91 99.2%
imstaken 106.83 94.6%

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slaughtermelon 81.37 100%
user82395 55.94 90.2%
m_murasaki 72.76 91.1%