a friend

This quote was added by tots-from-school
money can't buy happiness, joy, or peace it can only buy limited things like cars, fake friends, fake love but what happiness, joy, and peace can buy Is true friends, love, family, hope, and life.

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Name WPM Accuracy
bweeta 93.28 96.6%
user68397 79.38 92.9%
ultradianairshi 77.89 99.0%
user106998 67.60 94.7%
user107442 64.67 91.2%
blizda 44.54 81.7%
user389952 43.18 90.4%
user107952 40.41 89.9%
sophsalin 40.36 94.2%
the_1yshk 35.06 93.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
the_1yshk 35.06 93.4%
ultradianairshi 77.89 99.0%
blizda 44.54 81.7%
user107952 40.41 89.9%
user68397 79.38 92.9%
bweeta 93.28 96.6%
user107442 64.67 91.2%
sophsalin 40.36 94.2%