Hello again, I - Jarryd Jackson

This quote was added by jrabjackson
Hello again, Remember me? We were talking about human progress and how you're not alone typing. My typing speed has increased and I hope yours does as well. Here are some hints that helped me type faster. 1. Type about something you care about. 2. Type in the dark. Force yourself not to look at the keyboard. The more you look at it, the more you're hurting yourself. 3. Type important information and try to enter it correctly.

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Name WPM Accuracy
retralyze2 103.88 92.5%
indires 103.88 97.3%
ginpryor 101.18 99.1%
gordonlew 98.22 92.7%
sarahtesia 95.98 95.8%
therobotcluster 93.59 96.4%
zberkley88 92.81 96.6%
est3ban 92.66 94.3%
buranyt 91.76 97.5%
elhassaniotman 90.69 98.4%

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natm0n 31.66 96.8%
asmcoder110 63.92 94.3%
user383264 57.61 95.8%