Self-discovery - Unknown

This quote was added by shoulderbeast
You will never sail the ocean without getting onto the boat first. Throw yourself into the fire of self-discovery, and you will find that it will not burn you, only whom you are not.

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 186.94 99.5%
kicko 118.62 97.8%
joshr 112.86 97.3%
luciuszaros 104.70 96.3%
arravalle 102.66 97.3%
cabes234 100.98 95.8%
teddy.bear 99.16 97.8%
stu.weston06 99.14 95.3%
slamuel 97.20 96.8%
geryjs 96.16 89.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
evediaz88 94.04 94.3%
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janhernandez_b39 48.92 80.9%
ernimonroe 26.77 88.8%
cel- 36.12 79.0%
shang88 89.38 100%
kicko 118.62 97.8%