Sora - Kingdom Hearts

This quote was added by livelaughlove
Just stop it! You treat people's hearts like bottles on a shelf, but they're not! Hearts are made of the people we meet and how we feel about them. They're what ties us together even when we're apart. They're what... make me strong!

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typin_ 143.67 92.8%
feuv 134.34 98.7%
memgo 112.45 97.9%
geryjs 107.11 94.3%
bigboi99 98.02 95.9%
jacqueline1234 97.22 97.1%
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avrgcodr 92.12 98.7%

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typinglindsey 78.35 93.5%
thecrazydane2 78.99 90.6%
user104405 94.66 97.9%