
This quote was added by brandencant
If you are typing this right now, then you are a good person. That doesn't exclude others from being good people, but I want you to know that you specifically are a good person.

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user100406 2 weeks, 2 days ago

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 178.16 97.3%
rpendleton 157.26 100%
dcb87 137.45 98.9%
strikeemblem 136.13 95.2%
dante-didit 134.93 100%
rivendellis 129.88 97.8%
donoshea 127.71 100%
serinataylor 119.26 99.4%
sterlingwolf 113.84 97.8%
user982408 112.59 97.3%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 137.45 98.9%
shashwatdubey 93.82 95.2%
heyyy 61.19 90.3%
user292247 59.76 95.7%
user100406 71.19 89.7%
kait999 66.27 91.7%
jezpher 111.23 95.7%
rupessh77 62.61 92.7%