Shrek (2001) - Shrek

This quote was added by marjory
I'm not the one with the problem, okay? It's the world that seems to have a problem with me. People take one look at me and go "Arrrgh! Help! Run! A big, stupid, ugly ogre!" They judge me before they even know me. That's why I'm better off alone.

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fartchili 3 years ago
I got 69 wpm on this one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
mcspeller 3 years, 8 months ago
I dislike how people dislike this quote.
dolanduck 3 years, 11 months ago
Anybody else lose a lot of wpm simply due to the inclusion of so many exclamation marks?

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user939249 129.75 98.0%
ned1230 125.34 93.9%
user491757 122.74 97.2%
annefucius 121.93 99.2%
strikeemblem 113.56 97.6%
ze_or 113.42 96.1%
bdr159 113.00 96.5%
user291759 112.95 100%
killerclem 112.77 99.2%

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bkbroiler 69.57 95.7%
user717094 26.16 96.5%
user101536 32.53 85.4%