Quote - Gore Vidal

This quote was added by weesin
Once people get hung up on theology, they're lost to sanity forever. More people have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ than any name in the history of the world.

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Name WPM Accuracy
cornvelious 129.75 98.2%
mentalist 127.00 99.4%
strikeemblem 126.95 96.0%
2001or2 115.81 88.0%
space_cadet 109.40 97.7%
ineedtobeatypist 105.83 98.8%
tjapit 103.10 98.8%
hhyx 102.89 90.3%
andyanchovy 101.36 100%
magesh 100.04 97.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user109622 32.06 94.4%
maadj 84.00 96.6%
user949982 98.59 97.7%
user109524 40.29 99.4%
baluze 59.88 94.9%
bkbroiler 80.77 88.0%
magesh 100.04 97.7%
mentalist 127.00 99.4%