Spicy Air - Me, and intellectual.

This quote was added by kim2992
Spicy air is very spicy, it tastes like cyanide, very nicy. Hit the dab and do the whip then whip your mom. GG no rematch lol. Now I reach the 150 character minimum. FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE. There we go.

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kim2992 5 years, 9 months ago
Dude it's a joke. Chill out.
weesin 5 years, 9 months ago
how did you get it in your head that cyanide is spicy? I'm seriously doubting that you've tried it...though judging by the lack of intelligence apparent in your quote, you just might have...

FYI - cyanide smells and tastes like bitter almond...that's something you should have learned in high school chemistry...

And "whip your mom".....? Seriously? What the hell are you talking about?
weesin 5 years, 9 months ago
and yet again more stupidity....

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