Hello? - Anonymous

This quote was added by kim2992
Hello? Is anybody there? Can anybody hear me? I, I just woke up here. It's cold. I hear running water. I hate to make this short, but I don't know how much time I have left before I die, at least, I'm assuming I will. Please, PLEASE, tell me someone is listening. Hello? Hello? Hello?!

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weesin 5 years, 9 months ago
Are you on drugs?

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Name WPM Accuracy
kehe4 87.58 96.3%
user85658 73.68 95.3%
user462452 71.71 98.6%
deannac12 69.23 98.3%
zeatmyshortz 68.23 98.9%
heyworld 68.19 94.7%
itaidagan 62.74 94.7%
ak5345 62.16 96.9%
stevendiao 60.58 86.7%
moonsynger 60.43 96.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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stevendiao 60.58 86.7%
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ak5345 62.16 96.9%
user85658 73.68 95.3%
user462452 71.71 98.6%