How Very Familiar Yet So Different - VELessa B

This quote was added by v.b.
I devoted myself to you. I took care of you. I loved you like I haven't loved another as it was a fresh start a new beginning a new way of life and adjusting to how you are. I compromised in the bad in you, and din't mind the hurt that was caused. Yet I was the one you said that I couldn't change how someone in my past has done me wrong. No, I just know the sings of when someone is dong me wrong and losing the love for me.

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weesin 5 years, 9 months ago
This is one of the most terribly-written "quotes" I've ever read. There are spelling and punctuation mistakes galore! And the grammar is so awful I don't even know how to start critiquing it. And the content is just pathetic....maybe write this in your journal instead of mis-typing it for total strangers to read.

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