Say i love you, Mei Tachibanna - Kanae Hazuki

This quote was added by shutuplila
"I tried to carry on, while rejecting any relationships with others, but once you reject someone you're stuck. You lose the opportunity to meet someone and change." - Mei Tachibana.

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weesin 5 years, 9 months ago
you have a spelling error in your quote....

you've typed the word "your" when you should have typed the word "you're"

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Name WPM Accuracy
jacqueline1234 109.92 100%
yagoliz 102.50 98.9%
npabs 98.08 95.8%
jellyvanessa 96.35 97.8%
hamchow 96.32 96.3%
rrapattoni 95.30 98.4%
magesh 95.23 93.8%
user843630 94.56 97.3%
jessicarusso416 94.37 100%
user90997 90.75 91.9%

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Name WPM Accuracy
ihatemyself 72.76 94.3%
jules831 62.26 91.5%
user843630 81.74 95.3%
afiffauzi31897 48.63 88.3%
user843630 94.56 97.3%
smartboynaresh 77.98 95.3%
user843630 85.63 97.8%
bigboi99 82.82 91.9%