I AM BORED2 - MeDaMighty

This quote was added by user69537
hello,my i am me, this test is designed to help you focus on what you are typng. Did you catch that So, if you want to watch a new and good movie then you should watch mary poppins returns. it is a good movie.

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weesin 5 years, 8 months ago
This may be one of the worst quotes I've come across....it looks like it was written by a child or a drunk person

Have you absolutely no command of the English language?
hantongo8 5 years, 8 months ago
Erm... waiting for a wooosh but it's supposed to be like that right?

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Name WPM Accuracy
lbachner 82.28 84.3%
irepeat 74.15 89.7%
user107563 69.26 95.4%
gwaldrop 66.68 91.3%
user107982 62.62 94.1%
sakurakashi 59.51 95%
blackberry123 58.49 96.8%
blizda 57.62 84.3%
afiffauzi31897 55.15 90.1%
jena83 54.96 91.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user107982 62.62 94.1%
afiffauzi31897 55.15 90.1%
blizda 57.62 84.3%
samlolmas 37.81 96.8%
user107563 69.26 95.4%
sikaaai.tf 47.42 93.3%
vivianli 51.16 97.2%
moonsword20 49.35 89.3%