Excerpt from Les Miserables, Hapgood Translation - Victor Hugo

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Teach those who are ignorant as many things as possible; society is culpable, in that it does not afford instruction gratis; it is responsible for the night which it produces.

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user871724 156.62 92.6%
d3mn8 155.79 100%
2001or2 147.43 95.6%
strikeemblem 132.13 100%
geryjs 129.21 99.4%
rivendellis 127.42 99.4%
kyle_w 113.24 98.3%
laura10 111.48 97.2%
desmond0122 108.25 96.2%
gwaldrop 106.86 95.6%

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annaogi 48.04 88.8%
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geryjs 129.21 99.4%
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gwaldrop 106.86 95.6%
oowwaauu 51.77 98.3%
user292247 52.72 94.6%