Jake Tom

This quote was added by darkermonkey196
I wonder how fast you can type, is it 30 words per minute? Or is it above a hundred. Who knows, it can be whichever you want it to be. As you practice more, it will go higher.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
hiramisu 131.03 97.2%
strikeemblem 128.04 98.3%
dcb87 121.58 100%
gwaldrop 112.97 96.7%
dante-didit 110.32 98.3%
noobplayer 110.14 99.4%
user381085 109.72 91.2%
user68438 101.92 94.1%
npabs 99.96 93.6%
derpqwerty 98.75 97.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
gwaldrop 112.97 96.7%
baluze 64.14 100%
user468593 73.07 91.6%
user468593 74.70 95.6%
ceifero 61.34 97.8%
sqroot 91.94 97.8%
kobo 64.50 92.1%
kait999 47.65 87.5%