simpe - Just Jen

This quote was added by jen23
Here is a simple, short quote that will help to boost your typing speed. I hope you scored higher than ever before and you got a confidence boost also from doing so well.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 183.85 97.1%
majochama 155.89 100%
dweather 136.94 97.7%
atomickonline 131.70 96.1%
dcb87 131.23 98.8%
arravalle 121.89 100%
jeffreyder 121.15 100%
yaboi 120.87 100%
hamchow 113.41 99.4%
lisa035 109.72 100%

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Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 131.23 98.8%
user621769 55.42 94.4%
slamuel 102.56 96.0%
yoko 76.92 88.5%
user69750 58.62 97.1%
ivdet 65.06 92.9%
ck541 56.93 96.6%
petrolfume 89.06 91.4%