What I learned in boating school. - Ms. Puff

This quote was added by williambilliam
I'm sure whatever you've written is fine, just let me see. Don't look! It's not ready. It's so simple, only ten words! "What I learned in boating school is... Blankety. Blankety. Blank!"

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user381085 96.26 97.4%
user90997 89.51 93.5%
user238034 74.37 100%
falsesu 65.71 95.4%
bfho 65.33 97.9%
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sheshang 51.30 95.9%
user108372 39.15 92.2%
xchaoticchildx 37.90 90.3%

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xchaoticchildx 37.90 90.3%
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user468593 52.41 88.6%
user108372 39.15 92.2%
sheshang 51.30 95.9%
gibbie 58.64 95.4%
user381085 96.26 97.4%