Short - Andy Kennedy

This quote was added by andrewk
I like to type very short quotes so that I can type very fast and improve my score. Short small easy words help too. Each quote has to have a certain number of characters.

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weesin 5 years, 6 months ago
There are some punctuation issues with your submission

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
trishadgk 100.88 95.0%
dante-didit 99.52 94.0%
lynchrobinson 99.19 94.0%
arravalle 92.49 96.1%
the_hornburg 81.06 96.6%
ironherald 78.15 95%
user79004 78.12 98.8%
drtyrant 77.56 96.6%
stevendiao 70.89 88.1%
user85658 69.62 95%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
akilandeshwari 24.06 84.9%
user109520 26.20 94.5%
user108031 34.95 92.4%
the_hornburg 81.06 96.6%
kobo 68.64 89.5%
littleyoo 40.88 91.5%
trishadgk 100.88 95.0%
infas 42.57 97.2%