Short - Andy Kennedy

This quote was added by andrewk
I like to type very short quotes so I can type very fast and improve my score. Short words help too. Each quote has to have a certain number of characters so here is one more short sentence.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
space_cadet 137.22 100%
arravalle 113.99 97.4%
jacqueline1234 113.72 95.5%
ozymandias037 105.17 97.4%
yagoliz 103.71 97.9%
petrolfume 96.73 95%
bweeta 96.18 96.4%
tokaisuki 75.72 94.5%
nobleinfantry 73.22 94.5%
maadj 71.33 95.0%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
space_cadet 137.22 100%
maadj 71.33 95.0%
nobleinfantry 73.22 94.5%
ozymandias037 105.17 97.4%
arravalle 113.99 97.4%
luxgjallarhorn 46.94 99.0%
user358066 54.37 93.6%
yagoliz 103.71 97.9%