New Keyboard - Najmiddin

This quote was added by najmiddin
I gotta new lightinening keyboard, that makes a sense? So much time has been passed since my last sitting on computer, and first that I did is to start touch typing lessons.

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weesin 5 years, 5 months ago barely looks like this was written in English - there are so many errors here. 'gotta' should be typed as "have a". And 'lightinening" isn't a word. And 'that makes a sense' doesn't make sense. And 'so much time has been passed since' doesn't make sense - it should be 'so much time has passed since'. And 'sitting on computer' doesn't make sense. And 'and first that I did' doesn't make sense either.

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trishadgk 114.34 98.3%
geryjs 103.66 95.6%
donoshea 99.63 96.1%
user843630 92.00 98.9%
slaughtermelon 91.27 97.2%
jimbo123 91.24 91.5%
m_murasaki 88.45 93.0%
user60262 88.34 93.5%
user102525 86.67 97.2%
marco4n4 86.33 91.6%

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m_murasaki 88.45 93.0%
user421490 76.49 96.6%
user843630 92.00 98.9%