Love - Unknown

This quote was added by mbrewer7879
Anyone who knew me then would say I loved you too much. Like a wildfire or the sharp edge of a knife. Any would have told you I stopped being the person I was the second you walked into my life. They would have said love wasn't suppose to drive you crazy... make you want to scratch at your skin. And they were right. Because there was love and then... there was you.

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weesin 5 years, 4 months ago
Weak similes. And 'suppose to' should be typed as 'supposed to'

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hiramisu 134.99 97.9%
npabs 115.56 97.9%
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slaughtermelon 75.11 96.1%
clickclackm00 73.54 92.9%
maadj 64.38 91.3%
omolon 62.57 95.1%
lhzf94 58.73 93.4%

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npabs 115.56 97.9%
anguillanguilla 21.50 96.3%
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slaughtermelon 75.11 96.1%
boni 92.38 96.3%
boni 89.78 98.1%
clickclackm00 73.54 92.9%
user107401 38.15 94.9%