Weesin - Your Dad

This quote was added by user71815
Why is you always on this KeyHero website, yelling at 11 and 12 year olds. I dont care if my typing isn't perfect, but yours isn't either. Weesin is just this college student in Winipeg, that doesnt know anything about society because he is just sitting in his dorm room, criticizing us 6th graders. BULLY.

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jane.doekers 5 years, 3 months ago
I finally agree with a quote!
weesin. 5 years, 4 months ago
Weesin is the best and i made a second account
weesin 5 years, 4 months ago
and yet more stupidity

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Name WPM Accuracy
ashweedaking 77.83 98.4%
user58891 77.27 94.2%
aradipatrik 73.63 96.2%
fredmaniac 71.72 89.0%
user286920 71.51 96.9%
r.vasquez2919 70.17 94.2%
typinghira 51.92 96.8%
janetta 43.37 92.7%
sunriz64 39.41 92.2%
emcrow1002 36.95 95.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
janetta 43.37 92.7%
user286920 71.51 96.9%
aradipatrik 73.63 96.2%
sunriz64 39.41 92.2%
user58891 77.27 94.2%
emcrow1002 36.95 95.6%
typinghira 51.92 96.8%
user54330 10.90 98.4%