Strong Women - Lisa Bevere

This quote was added by goat_farmer
Let us be women who are: Talented and gifted, fearless yet honoring, connected yet self-contained, present yet far reaching, compassionate yet fierce, pure but not naive, strong and gentle, simple yet highly strategic.

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heiga 110.84 98.2%
cornvelious 108.95 93.2%
quocanhbk17 102.81 99.1%
inellipsale 99.10 96.9%
quantom 98.15 92.4%
afminto 89.69 96.9%
kheng 86.37 94.8%
dabeav 81.04 96.5%
kurisu666 80.64 94.4%
sarahnw12 78.39 99.1%

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