Doom Patrol - Grant Morrison

This quote was added by vishal
"Look at us! Are we not proof that there is no good, no evil, no truth, no reason? Are we not proof that the universe is a drooling idiot with no fashion sense." - Mr. Nobody on the fundamental philosophy of the Brotherhood of DADA.

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hunterz1200 103.51 95.9%
neopergoss 101.77 98.3%
mafuso 100.87 97.9%
mcspeller 99.14 92.1%
bansheewail 98.35 96.7%
elliot_notts 98.23 95.9%
professorsnek 97.92 95.9%
zalyx 96.27 97.9%
niconiconii 95.50 98.3%
strikeemblem 94.77 96.3%

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vishal 70.37 92.8%
vishal 82.22 97.1%
vishal 78.56 96.3%
vishal 76.69 91.3%
hmry 50.23 91.7%
original_unicorn_ 40.28 93.5%
chako 37.58 92.8%
user81902 48.54 97.1%