Jillian Gamahce

This quote was added by bowlofjello
You taught me you can plan as much as you want, but it will never go your way. Sometimes it might even be better than you expected. Sometimes, it might be the perfect moment you have waited for.

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user871724 191.43 99.5%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
forkhunter 150.39 99.5%
1dur 148.11 100%
oldreasonroad 146.97 100%
user40438 141.89 97.5%
nightdevil 134.09 93.7%
mrsjsmiley 133.81 98.5%
lytewerk 133.01 98.0%
funkymonkey 129.74 99.5%

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user101536 40.06 89.0%
gwaldrop 118.75 97.5%
user107597 39.27 92.8%
nobleinfantry 62.20 91.9%
hmyerscoomer 70.28 93.3%